
The registration for the 2019 Esse 850 European open is online. Sign in here!

Bei schwierigen und wechselhaften Windverhältnissen wurde auf dem Zürichsee in Horgen der erste Event ausgetragen.

Kühle Temperaturen und der starke, sehr böige Westwind, verlangten den Crews am Samstag alles ab.

The Lake Zurich fleet is preparing for the coming season. The first Esse 850 training took place on Lake Zurich from 13-14 April.

The most successful team of the esse 850 family leaves the circus to seek new challenges. In 2018, the team around Alain Marchand won the overall IC Cup ranking for the eighth time. Even if it is a great loss for the class and a pity that the always good-humoured team won't take part in our regattas anymore, the question now is who can take their place at the top of the fleet. The committee and the whole class wishes the ottocinque team all the best and good luck for their future adventures.

Dear Esse850 sailors. 

We are all getting ready for the 2019 sailing season. Your committee has prepared a few things to make it a nice one. Our focus is PARTICIPATION, regattas with more than 20 boats, especially for our 2 grade 1 regattas in Malcesine and the Swiss Championship, but also for all the other regattas in our program which you can see on agenda.