Dear Esse 850 sailors, thank you for choosing me to be the new president of the Esse 850 International Class at the last General Assembly in Rapperswil. Let me say a few words about myself. I am 54 years old, live in Lausanne since 2001, but also lived in Geneva, Zurich, Bern, Basel, in the US, Stockholm and Malaysia. After many years in the telecommunication industry, I became 10 years ago a freelance consultant working on strategic projects, such as business development and fundraising for small companies and start-ups. I like innovation and new ideas, which I hope will also serve the class. I acquired my Esse 850 IC boat, SUI 135, in 2012 after having sailed on a 505 long time ago and more recently a Ventillo 20 catamaran.
Our main, if not only, priority is to increase the number of participants at the regattas. I believe this goes with collecting as much feedback as possible from all of you. What makes you come or not come to a regatta? What can we improve so that you come? Your ideas and feedback will be most welcomed, be it by e-mail in your own language (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!), by letting anybody in the committee know directly at the regattas, or by answering the survey you will get at the end of the season.
I wish you all the best for this season and look forward to see you soon on the water,
Alec Tavel,
Esse 850 IC class president