
We are proud to announce that the 2024 calendar is available thanks to the valuable inputs provided by our members and with an objective to have as many participants as possible. We hope you are as excited as us to get back on the water and challenge other crews on this exciting platform.

The Uristier VC-Cup is a beautiful and usually windy regatta. If we have enough registrations to have our own start for the regatta it is planned to organize a class regatta in 2025. Watch this space as we confirm the final agenda for this event.

These regattas will be the ones counting for the Esse850 IC Cup, all with an equal weight. More regattas are agended on Zurich to be part of local Esse850 Cup and we’re also looking forward to gather many Esse850s together at other lake Leman regattas and “Semaines du Soir”. 

Go straight to the 2024 calendar here.